It's day seven, and our group handed in our hand outs. Christine and Rhyannon worked together on the hand outs, which is a crossword puzzle. Rhyannon created the puzzle and had it sent to Christine to print thirty copies of it for the whole class to complete next week. Our presentations begin next week and onwards. With the power point, Micah finished completing the finishing touches and transferred the file onto her USB to present to the class next week. I hope we do well.
xoxo Scientific Girl
Welcome to iScience!
join us on embarking the journey to learning new things about the skeletal and muscular system...
iScientific; Group Evaluation Scaffold
What role(s) did you take on for this assignment?
I took the role of answering question 4. Bad habits and 5. When things go wrong for both the Skeletal and Muscular system. I also helped with the power point along with Micah.
What did you like about working as a group?
I liked how half the workload was lifted off our shoulders, for without my group members, I would've had a hard time with managing everything. Though we had a few troubles cooperating as we were all sitting separately, we managed to get through everything in time.
What was difficult about working as a group?
Usually, there weren't enough seats for the four of us to sit beside each other, and so usually I sat beside Micah and Christine sat beside Rhyannon. It was a disadvantage as we all needed help from each other, but we worked out that Christine and Rhyannon would work together for the handouts and Micah and I would complete the Power point presentation.
What did you learn about working as a group?
We learnt how to send each other things i.e. information through student net instead of copying. We found it useful because we wasted less since sending through mail was quick and simple.
How well did you work together/cooperatively?
Not as well as I anticipated, but Micah and I worked well together with the Powerpoint and the questions, whilst Rhyannon and Christine cooperated together as well.
Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes, everyone did. We all did our share, as Christine only had one question because it was the most difficult out of all seven questions on the sheet.
How well as an individual did you work as a group member?
I worked in my own time, including my own leisure time. I would have to say I worked pretty hard and managed to post over 15 posts as that is the minimum.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
*I didn't encourage my teammates enough, as we were a bit behind with the work.
*I had a bit of trouble cooperating with Micah as we had to work out the Power point presentation.
*It was difficult for me to find websites related to my questions, as my teammates had done better.
*I posted nearly everyday.
*I posted over the minimum posts.
*I finished my questions on time.
Outlike suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
- I could've been more enthusiastic with my group; I did not put much effort in helping them complete their handouts.
xoxo Scientific Girl
What role(s) did you take on for this assignment?
I took the role of answering question 4. Bad habits and 5. When things go wrong for both the Skeletal and Muscular system. I also helped with the power point along with Micah.
What did you like about working as a group?
I liked how half the workload was lifted off our shoulders, for without my group members, I would've had a hard time with managing everything. Though we had a few troubles cooperating as we were all sitting separately, we managed to get through everything in time.
What was difficult about working as a group?
Usually, there weren't enough seats for the four of us to sit beside each other, and so usually I sat beside Micah and Christine sat beside Rhyannon. It was a disadvantage as we all needed help from each other, but we worked out that Christine and Rhyannon would work together for the handouts and Micah and I would complete the Power point presentation.
What did you learn about working as a group?
We learnt how to send each other things i.e. information through student net instead of copying. We found it useful because we wasted less since sending through mail was quick and simple.
How well did you work together/cooperatively?
Not as well as I anticipated, but Micah and I worked well together with the Powerpoint and the questions, whilst Rhyannon and Christine cooperated together as well.
Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes, everyone did. We all did our share, as Christine only had one question because it was the most difficult out of all seven questions on the sheet.
How well as an individual did you work as a group member?
I worked in my own time, including my own leisure time. I would have to say I worked pretty hard and managed to post over 15 posts as that is the minimum.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
*I didn't encourage my teammates enough, as we were a bit behind with the work.
*I had a bit of trouble cooperating with Micah as we had to work out the Power point presentation.
*It was difficult for me to find websites related to my questions, as my teammates had done better.
*I posted nearly everyday.
*I posted over the minimum posts.
*I finished my questions on time.
Outlike suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
- I could've been more enthusiastic with my group; I did not put much effort in helping them complete their handouts.
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; Decisions
I'm at home right now, and tomorrow is our due date for the assignment. I'll post the group evaluation right after this. For our use of technology, the group decided we should just use Power Point instead of and the other references written in the assignment sheet because of the limited time we spent together and we also did our assignments separately without much group coordination. I gathered most of the information along with Micah for the Powerpoint and she's finishing off the design, font etc.
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; Resources
4. Bad Habits;
Dangers of Wearing High Heels - Female Health Issues (UK), 22nd of August 2010,
Physcial Fitness Affects All Parts of Our Lives, 22nd of August 2010,
The Effects Of Bad Posture On The Skeletal System | LIVESTRONG.COM, 22nd of August 2010,
5. When things go wrong?;
Your bones, 19th of August 2010,
What Happens If The Skeletal System Doesn't Function Correctly?, 19th of August 2010,
How Does the Skeletal System Work? |, 19th of August 2010,
What is the Skeletal System?;
Skeletal System, 16th of August 2010,
Scientific Skeletal Facts;
The Skeletal Sysem, 16th of August 2010,
4. Bad habits;
Baddiscs, 22nd of August 2010,
How To Fix Your Neck and Shoulder Pain, 22nd of August 2010,
Bad Muscle Building Habits To Be Avoided, 22nd of August 2010,
5. When things go wrong?;
What happens when the Muscular system breaks down?, 22nd of August 2010,,
Workings: how the muscular system functions - The Mucular System - blood , body, effects, brain..., 22nd of August 2010,
What is the Muscular System?;
The Muscular System, 17th of August 2010,
That's about it :). I'll finish the evaluation when I get home.
xoxo Scientific Girl
4. Bad Habits;
Dangers of Wearing High Heels - Female Health Issues (UK), 22nd of August 2010,
Physcial Fitness Affects All Parts of Our Lives, 22nd of August 2010,
The Effects Of Bad Posture On The Skeletal System | LIVESTRONG.COM, 22nd of August 2010,
5. When things go wrong?;
Your bones, 19th of August 2010,
What Happens If The Skeletal System Doesn't Function Correctly?, 19th of August 2010,
How Does the Skeletal System Work? |, 19th of August 2010,
What is the Skeletal System?;
Skeletal System, 16th of August 2010,
Scientific Skeletal Facts;
The Skeletal Sysem, 16th of August 2010,
4. Bad habits;
Baddiscs, 22nd of August 2010,
How To Fix Your Neck and Shoulder Pain, 22nd of August 2010,
Bad Muscle Building Habits To Be Avoided, 22nd of August 2010,
5. When things go wrong?;
What happens when the Muscular system breaks down?, 22nd of August 2010,,
Workings: how the muscular system functions - The Mucular System - blood , body, effects, brain..., 22nd of August 2010,
What is the Muscular System?;
The Muscular System, 17th of August 2010,
That's about it :). I'll finish the evaluation when I get home.
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; day six
It's day six, and today is the last day before our science assignment is due altogether. Last night I had finished the draft of the powerpoint and had sent it to Micah to finish it off with the designing and such. The only thing left I have to post is the resources I used to find most of my information, in other words: bibliography. I also have to post my evaluation tonight and time the powerpoint speech.
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
When Things Go Wrong (Muscular System)
5. When things go wrong? Describe what happens to you if the body system is not working correctly.
- Since your muscles help you to move and support your body, it'd be harder to move and control your own movement.
- If the Nervous system has a problem and the muscles may not receive the signals from the brain to create the movement, and the body will assume that the muscles aren't needed and the Muscular system will resume in breaking down.
- Muscles help us to breathe, move our blood throughout the body and move food through our digestive tract. Without the muscles functioning properly, the chances of dying can be possible.
xoxo Scientific Girl.
- Since your muscles help you to move and support your body, it'd be harder to move and control your own movement.
Human Body Muscle Diagram
- Muscles help us to breathe, move our blood throughout the body and move food through our digestive tract. Without the muscles functioning properly, the chances of dying can be possible.
xoxo Scientific Girl.
Bad Habits (Muscular)
4. Bad Habits? List some things people do or don't dothat can damage the body system. Describe the nature of the damage.
- Trying to lift too much weight can increase the chances of injury. If the weight you are trying to handle is too much for you to bear; then you are better off reducing the weight you're holding. When carrying something heavy, bend your legs instead of relying on your back If you follow against this practice, you could end up with a back pain.
- Abandoning the practice to warming up and stretching properly before exercising. You have higher chances of muscle tearing and ligament strains.
- Bad postures can also cause damage to your muscles. Your sitting posture, your sleeping posture, even your walking habits can cause damage to your muscular system.
- Pushing or pulling incorrectly can also cause damage to your bones and joints.
- Without knowing, a lot of our muscles get strained due to our daily life of stress. Not massaging your calf muscles before sleeping at night is a habit we should stop, because massaging your calf muscles smoothens the blocked blood circulation.
- Similar to the skeletal system, we need the right amount of exercise to maintain the strength of our bones. Too much exercise is bad for your bones, yet too little is bad your bones and health. We need to exercise the right amount to assure ourselves that our bones stay strong and healthy, also with the assistance of drinking milk regularly.
xoxo Scientific Girl
- Trying to lift too much weight can increase the chances of injury. If the weight you are trying to handle is too much for you to bear; then you are better off reducing the weight you're holding. When carrying something heavy, bend your legs instead of relying on your back If you follow against this practice, you could end up with a back pain.
- Abandoning the practice to warming up and stretching properly before exercising. You have higher chances of muscle tearing and ligament strains.
- Bad postures can also cause damage to your muscles. Your sitting posture, your sleeping posture, even your walking habits can cause damage to your muscular system.
- Pushing or pulling incorrectly can also cause damage to your bones and joints.
- Without knowing, a lot of our muscles get strained due to our daily life of stress. Not massaging your calf muscles before sleeping at night is a habit we should stop, because massaging your calf muscles smoothens the blocked blood circulation.
- Similar to the skeletal system, we need the right amount of exercise to maintain the strength of our bones. Too much exercise is bad for your bones, yet too little is bad your bones and health. We need to exercise the right amount to assure ourselves that our bones stay strong and healthy, also with the assistance of drinking milk regularly.
xoxo Scientific Girl
When Things Go Wrong (Skeletal)
This is the second question I was assigned to do. Hope you recognise the symptoms when your body system isn't functoning properly. :)
5. When things go wrong? Describe what happens to you if the body system is not working correctly.
- You cannot move without the correct functioning of the skeleton. Red cells are an essential component of blood, and if the skeletal system isn't working properly, red cells will not produce.
- The skeletal system provides the body with rigidity and if the skeletal system isn't functioning properly, the body may no longer be as rigid as before. The skeletal system gives our bodies support, so if the skeletal system ceased working properly, we'd end up as a heap of muscles on the floor.
- According to research, our different organs will not function properly without the skeletal system working properly either.
- When there is not enough calcium in the body, the body is more prone to fractures as they weaken. This bad habit causes the skeletal system to function improperly and the chances of getting osteoporosis grows higher.
5. When things go wrong? Describe what happens to you if the body system is not working correctly.
- You cannot move without the correct functioning of the skeleton. Red cells are an essential component of blood, and if the skeletal system isn't working properly, red cells will not produce.
- The skeletal system provides the body with rigidity and if the skeletal system isn't functioning properly, the body may no longer be as rigid as before. The skeletal system gives our bodies support, so if the skeletal system ceased working properly, we'd end up as a heap of muscles on the floor.
- According to research, our different organs will not function properly without the skeletal system working properly either.
- When there is not enough calcium in the body, the body is more prone to fractures as they weaken. This bad habit causes the skeletal system to function improperly and the chances of getting osteoporosis grows higher.
iScienftic; day five
It's day five, Micah is absent today. I'm currently working on my second question: "When things go wrong?". I've posted my first question already along with an image/diagram. The question I'm answering right now is rather difficult and hard without the help of encyclopedia. I hope you guys check out the second question as soon as I'm done with it! Thanks.
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
Bad Habits (Skeletal)
This is one of my questions I was allocated with. Hope you learn how to take care of your Skeletal system more carefully. :)
4. Bad Habits? List some things that people do or don't do that can damage the Skeletal system. Describe the nature of the damage.
- Avoiding plenty of foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.
- Avoiding minerals such as manganese for the development of our skeletal system along with calcium.
- Smoking and drinking. Doing these activities continuously can leave a negative impact inside and outside your body and the way your body functions.
- Bad posture, such as slouching in a chair etc. Bad posture can affect your bones with the way you sit, stand or sleep. This can all affect your skeletal system and your bones.
- Long term use of high heels is also subject to damaging your skeletal system. High heels can also affect your posture and is also a cause of poorly conditioned back posturing. The use of high heels is fine, but wearing it too much may abnormally change the angle of your feet, misaligning your entire skeleton. Wearing high heels can cause common pains such as foot pain.
- Lack of exercise. Stronger the muscles, the stronger the muscles can support the skeletal system. Muscles that are firm and strong help keep the body in it's proper position, decreasing the chance of bad posture etc. Inactivity may cause back pain, resulting damage to the skeletal system. As we grow older, our bones begin to weaken and we need to become active for the time when we become fragile and vulnerable. As you build stronger bones, you decrease the chances of osteoporosis (when bones lose minerals, leaving the bones fragile which risks the bone in fracturing).
4. Bad Habits? List some things that people do or don't do that can damage the Skeletal system. Describe the nature of the damage.
- Avoiding plenty of foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.
- Avoiding minerals such as manganese for the development of our skeletal system along with calcium.
- Smoking and drinking. Doing these activities continuously can leave a negative impact inside and outside your body and the way your body functions.
- Bad posture, such as slouching in a chair etc. Bad posture can affect your bones with the way you sit, stand or sleep. This can all affect your skeletal system and your bones.
![]() |
Outline of the Skeletal System |
- A slouching posture can affect your bones which can result in back and neck pains.
- Lack of exercise. Stronger the muscles, the stronger the muscles can support the skeletal system. Muscles that are firm and strong help keep the body in it's proper position, decreasing the chance of bad posture etc. Inactivity may cause back pain, resulting damage to the skeletal system. As we grow older, our bones begin to weaken and we need to become active for the time when we become fragile and vulnerable. As you build stronger bones, you decrease the chances of osteoporosis (when bones lose minerals, leaving the bones fragile which risks the bone in fracturing).
What is the Muscular System?
Before you can start researching deeply and involving yourself with the Muscular system, we must learn of the simple basics to have an understanding of how it works etc. So again, we asked ourselves this: What is the Muscular System?
The Muscular system's main job is to provide movement for the body. This body system consists of three different types of muscle tissues:
According to research, these three types of muscle tissues have the ability to allow the body to move and function. There are also two types of muscles: the involuntary muscle and voluntary muscle. We can control bot of those muscles. An example of the involuntary muscles is the heart.
That's about it for today! Thanks for checking out my blog ;D
xoxo Scientific Girl
The Muscular system's main job is to provide movement for the body. This body system consists of three different types of muscle tissues:
According to research, these three types of muscle tissues have the ability to allow the body to move and function. There are also two types of muscles: the involuntary muscle and voluntary muscle. We can control bot of those muscles. An example of the involuntary muscles is the heart.
That's about it for today! Thanks for checking out my blog ;D
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; Muscular Diagram
iScientific; day four.
It's day four, my group are still working on our questions and researching the assigned body systems. After this, Micah and I are going to work on the powerpoint presentation. I'm currently researching for my first question and as soon as I've finished, I'll post the main basic points of the bad habits that people do/don't do to affect our skeletal system negatively. That's it for now... :) I'm about to post the basics of the Muscular system and the diagram. See you later!
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
Scientific Skeletal Facts
The title says it all! Before we can start embarking a long journey to discovering the facts we were never aware of, we must know of the simple facts.
- The skeleton protects your brain, heart, eyes, lungs and spinal cord.
- Bones are made of living cells.
- When a bone is broken, your bone will produce lots of new cells to rebuild the bone.
- Milk strengthen your bones.
- Bones don't usually break as they are tough and durable.
- At birth, you have about 300 bones. As you grow older, the small bones join together to make bigger ones. As we grow into adults, we end up wth 206 bones.
We still have millions of facts still yet unveiled!
xoxo Scientific Girl
- The skeleton protects your brain, heart, eyes, lungs and spinal cord.
- Bones are made of living cells.
- When a bone is broken, your bone will produce lots of new cells to rebuild the bone.
- Milk strengthen your bones.
- Bones don't usually break as they are tough and durable.
- At birth, you have about 300 bones. As you grow older, the small bones join together to make bigger ones. As we grow into adults, we end up wth 206 bones.
We still have millions of facts still yet unveiled!
xoxo Scientific Girl
Questions & Planning
Everyone in our group is assigned with a question/s.
- Why do we need it?
- How does it work?
- What parts make up the system?
- Bad habits?
- When things go wrong?
- Good habits?
- Which Doctor?
xoxo Scientific Girl
- Why do we need it?
- How does it work?
- What parts make up the system?
- Bad habits?
- When things go wrong?
- Good habits?
- Which Doctor?
xoxo Scientific Girl
What is the Skeletal System?
Micah and I are currently working on the Skeletal system, but before we could even start, we asked ourselves this: What is the Skeletal system?
Well, here's a basic amount of knowledge on the topic...
The Skeletal is all of the bones in the body and the tissues that connect them. Without these bones and tissues that hold the bones together, our bodies would be like tissue. The essential job of the skeleton is to support our body from being fragile and vulnerable as a tissue.
xoxo Scientific Girl
Well, here's a basic amount of knowledge on the topic...
The Skeletal is all of the bones in the body and the tissues that connect them. Without these bones and tissues that hold the bones together, our bodies would be like tissue. The essential job of the skeleton is to support our body from being fragile and vulnerable as a tissue.
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; day three: Planning/Decisions
It's day three, and today our group finalied who was going to what. Micah and I decided we would work on the powerpoint and Christine and Rhyannon would work on the class handouts. I posted a simple picture of the skeletal system today, so check it out! After I work on my part of the questions for the Skeletal system, I'll start on the Muscular system. For now, we're going to work on the questions and the presentation of the powerpoint etc.
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; day two.
it's day two, the day where my group, minus Rhyannon, was supposed to be finishing off our questions and research for the Muscular and Skeletal system, but unfortunately the laptops weren't working and we couldn't even log on. but aside from that, we couldn't use the laptops therefore our Science teacher had to give us worksheets on Microbes.
xoxo Scientific Girl
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific; day one.
It's day one, the day where my group and I begun our research in the library and due to some unfortunate circumstances, the computers weren't functioning properly therefore we were forced to rely on encyclopedia. We were pretty upset when we first heard the news, but then decided that books were more reliable than the internet. Since the computers weren't working, we all used our books as a journal instead of blogging. Micah and I decided with Christine and Rhyannon that one pair works on collecting information on the skeletal system and the other pair on the muscular system.
Micah and I were working on the muscular system and planning a draft for the questions we were supposed to do. We both borrowed books to take home and read. I managed to finish one question, considering the fact that I still needed to use the internet for more information. I guess that's it for this lesson.
xoxo Scientific Girl
Micah and I were working on the muscular system and planning a draft for the questions we were supposed to do. We both borrowed books to take home and read. I managed to finish one question, considering the fact that I still needed to use the internet for more information. I guess that's it for this lesson.
xoxo Scientific Girl
iScientific Blog: Introduction
Hey there! Welcome to iScience, the blog that's got science written everywhere!
With Micah, Christine, Rhyannon, and I (Joy) combined as an invincible group, we'll begin to unravel
the wonders of the Skeletal and Muscular System! From here, we are still deciding which questions are harder than others.
xoxo Scientific Girl
With Micah, Christine, Rhyannon, and I (Joy) combined as an invincible group, we'll begin to unravel
the wonders of the Skeletal and Muscular System! From here, we are still deciding which questions are harder than others.
xoxo Scientific Girl
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