Welcome to iScience!

join us on embarking the journey to learning new things about the skeletal and muscular system...


iScientific; day seven

It's day seven, and our group handed in our hand outs. Christine and Rhyannon worked together on the hand outs, which is a crossword puzzle. Rhyannon created the puzzle and had it sent to Christine to print thirty copies of it for the whole class to complete next week. Our presentations begin next week and onwards. With the power point, Micah finished completing the finishing touches and transferred the file onto her USB to present to the class next week. I hope we do well.

xoxo Scientific Girl


iScientific; Group Evaluation Scaffold


What role(s) did you take on for this assignment?
I took the role of answering question 4. Bad habits and 5. When things go wrong for both the Skeletal and Muscular system. I also helped with the power point along with Micah.

What did you like about working as a group?
I liked how half the workload was lifted off our shoulders, for without my group members, I would've had a hard time with managing everything. Though we had a few troubles cooperating as we were all sitting separately, we managed to get through everything in time.

What was difficult about working as a group?
Usually, there weren't enough seats for the four of us to sit beside each other, and so usually I sat beside Micah and Christine sat beside Rhyannon. It was a disadvantage as we all needed help from each other, but we worked out that Christine and Rhyannon would work together for the handouts and Micah and I would complete the Power point presentation.

What did you learn about working as a group?
We learnt how to send each other things i.e. information through student net instead of copying. We found it useful because we wasted less since sending through mail was quick and simple.

How well did you work together/cooperatively?
Not as well as I anticipated, but Micah and I worked well together with the Powerpoint and the questions, whilst Rhyannon and Christine cooperated together as well.

Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes, everyone did. We all did our share, as Christine only had one question because it was the most difficult out of all seven questions on the sheet.

How well as an individual did you work as a group member?
I worked in my own time, including my own leisure time. I would have to say I worked pretty hard and managed to post over 15 posts as that is the minimum.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
*I didn't encourage my teammates enough, as we were a bit behind with the work.
*I had a bit of trouble cooperating with Micah as we had to work out the Power point presentation.
*It was difficult for me to find websites related to my questions, as my teammates had done better.

*I posted nearly everyday.
*I posted over the minimum posts.
*I finished my questions on time.

Outlike suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
- I could've been more enthusiastic with my group; I did not put much effort in helping them complete their handouts.

xoxo Scientific Girl

iScientific; Decisions

I'm at home right now, and tomorrow is our due date for the assignment. I'll post the group evaluation right after this. For our use of technology, the group decided we should just use Power Point instead of wix.com and the other references written in the assignment sheet because of the limited time we spent together and we also did our assignments separately without much group coordination. I gathered most of the information along with Micah for the Powerpoint and she's finishing off the design, font etc.

xoxo Scientific Girl

iScientific; Resources


4. Bad Habits;
Dangers of Wearing High Heels - Female Health Issues (UK), 22nd of August 2010, http://www.femalehealthissues.co.uk/dangers-of-wearing-high-heels.html.

Physcial Fitness Affects All Parts of Our Lives, 22nd of August 2010, http://www.family-home-makeover.com/Physical-Fitness.html.

The Effects Of Bad Posture On The Skeletal System | LIVESTRONG.COM, 22nd of August 2010, http://www.livestrong.com/article/96784-effects-bad-posture-skeletal-system/.

5. When things go wrong?;
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BODY IF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM STOPS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY?, 19th of August 2010, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090403154537AApoOta.

Your bones, 19th of August 2010, http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/bones.html.

What Happens If The Skeletal System Doesn't Function Correctly?, 19th of August 2010, http://www.blurtit.com/q768505.html.

How Does the Skeletal System Work? | eHow.com, 19th of August 2010, http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4564071_skeletal-system-work.html.

What is the Skeletal System?;
Skeletal System, 16th of August 2010, http://hes.ucfsd.org/gclaypo/skelweb/skel01.html#what.

Scientific Skeletal Facts;
The Skeletal Sysem, 16th of August 2010, http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/biology/humananatomy/skeletal/skeletalsystem.html.

4. Bad habits;
Baddiscs, 22nd of August 2010, http://scuba-doc.com/baddiscs.htm.

How To Fix Your Neck and Shoulder Pain, 22nd of August 2010, http://www.drbookspan.com/NeckPainArticle.html.

Bad Muscle Building Habits To Be Avoided, 22nd of August 2010, http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/bad_muscle_building_habits_to_be_avoided.html.

5. When things go wrong?;
What happens when the Muscular system breaks down?, 22nd of August 2010, http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090422180801AAq5yO9,

Workings: how the muscular system functions - The Mucular System - blood , body, effects, brain..., 22nd of August 2010, http://www.faqs.org/health/Body-by-Design-V1/The-Muscular-System-Workings-how-the-muscular-system-functions.html.

What is the Muscular System?;
The Muscular System, 17th of August 2010, http://www.faqs.org/health/Body-by-Design-V1/The-Muscular-System.html.

That's about it :). I'll finish the evaluation when I get home.

xoxo Scientific Girl

iScientific; day six

It's day six, and today is the last day before our science assignment is due altogether. Last night I had finished the draft of the powerpoint and had sent it to Micah to finish it off with the designing and such. The only thing left I have to post is the resources I used to find most of my information, in other words: bibliography. I also have to post my evaluation tonight and time the powerpoint speech.

xoxo Scientific Girl


When Things Go Wrong (Muscular System)

5. When things go wrong? Describe what happens to you if the body system is not working correctly.

- Since your muscles help you to move and support your body, it'd be harder to move and control your own movement.

Human Body Muscle Diagram

- If the Nervous system has a problem and the muscles may not receive the signals from the brain to create the movement, and the body will assume that the muscles aren't needed and the Muscular system will resume in breaking down.

- Muscles help us to breathe, move our blood throughout the body and move food through our digestive tract. Without the muscles functioning properly, the chances of dying can be possible.

xoxo Scientific Girl.


Bad Habits (Muscular)

4. Bad Habits? List some things people do or don't dothat can damage the body system. Describe the nature of the damage.

- Trying to lift too much weight can increase the chances of injury. If the weight you are trying to handle is too much for you to bear; then you are better off reducing the weight you're holding. When carrying something heavy, bend your legs instead of relying on your back  If you follow against this practice, you could end up with a back pain.

- Abandoning the practice to warming up and stretching properly before exercising. You have higher chances of muscle tearing and ligament strains.

- Bad postures can also cause damage to your muscles. Your sitting posture, your sleeping posture, even your walking habits can cause damage to your muscular system.

- Pushing or pulling incorrectly can also cause damage to your bones and joints.

- Without knowing, a lot of our muscles get strained due to our daily life of stress. Not massaging your calf muscles before sleeping at night is a habit we should stop, because massaging your calf muscles smoothens the blocked blood circulation.

- Similar to the skeletal system, we need the right amount of exercise to maintain the strength of our bones. Too much exercise is bad for your bones, yet too little is bad your bones and health. We need to exercise the right amount to assure ourselves that our bones stay strong and healthy, also with the assistance of drinking milk regularly.

 xoxo Scientific Girl